
Meet The Author



After graduating Lehmann College, with degrees in psychology and sociology, I became a caseworker for the New York City Department of Social Services, Protective Services, investigating the horrors of the abuse and neglect of children. After attaining master’s degrees in Social Work and School Psychology, and then completing a post-graduate education in Psychoanalytic Therapy, he became a School Psychologist in the New York City Department of Education and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in his private therapy practice on Long Island. treating adults, adolescents, children, and couples. Always striving to improve his understanding of human nature, he researched and then wrote a personal improvement book, Taming Your Inner & Outer Bullies: Confronting Life’s Stressors And Winning, which offers remarkable insights into behavior, societal institutions, and relationships. He has written self-help articles on the web, done lectures, and appeared on radio shows.

S. B. Redstone always had a vivid imagination and a desire to write fiction. To develop his writing skills, he became a successful writer of short stories, all of which have been published on the web or in print. In the beginning, Stephen King and Peter Straub were his favorite authors and he wrote in their graphic styles. However, as an expert in human psychology, Redstone has been able to develop characters from the dark side of human nature where his villains don’t aspire for happiness through personal achievement, but rather from their demented narcissistic schemes. Many of his characters have been taken from his clinical experiences. In addition, as a clinician who cares deeply about people and their struggles in life, he always incorporates a societal issue in his plots. You will also notice that he has a passion for golf and somehow finds a way to weave it into his stories. This is his first published novel; two others will soon seek publication. He resides with his lovely wife in New York and Florida, never too long away from his grown children and grandchildren.

 Author Interview @

Interviewer: Wolfy

This interview was given when the first version of his novel, The Mistake, by my penname, Bruce Castle was on sale for a short time before removed from history due to the poor presentation and development by a previous publisher.

I understand that your first book was just released. How do you feel about this?

A Sinister Obsession was released on 8/31/2013. I was ecstatic that a reputable publisher had a belief that this tale was worthwhile to publish. I had been rejected by many New York agents as most beginning writers are, which precludes the big publishing houses from accepting our queries. So I sought an independent publisher that would accept queries from authors. Black Opal Books only selects the best stories and keep to its promise of putting out a quality book.

Which do you prefer to write: short stories or novels?

Years ago, I wrote many short stories in the genres of horror, suspense, and science fiction, which I really loved to do, and were published in web magazines and in print. In my busy career, writing shorter works gave me the opportunity to see a finished product sooner. But, more importantly, writing the stories taught me how to write, and how to write concisely and with clarity. Receiving fan mail felt great! Now I prefer to write novels and as long as I have stories to create, I will continue to do so. But, I only write books that I would like to read. I will never just write books that might sell.

What or whom inspired you to begin writing? Why?
I had a friend in my teens who was a highly creative artist and envy impelled ‘me to be as creative as well. But, the realities of college, graduate schools, post graduate studies, family, and a busy career as a school psychologist and private practice therapist, left little time to be creative. I became an artist in my spare time, but when I realized I wasn’t going to be Picasso or Rembrandt, and my son was far more talented at 8 (he is a professional artist and set and production designer) that I refocused my creative energies on my imagination. Basically, I love to be creative in all my endeavors in life.

What about writing mystery interests you so much?
I like the unknown. I like readers to think, imagine, have an intense feeling about the characters, and be part of the novel. I take many of my characters from the clients I worked with over the years, and instead of the villains changing their lives for the better through personal achievement, they want to achieve happiness through the suffering of others. All my work always includes a social issue to be examined in a new way. And I like to add a variety of sub-genres to spice up the story.

Can you give us a little insight as to what your new book is about?
I dare not give away any of the plot as it will destroy the many mysteries in it. I will say that A Sinister Obsession will not disappoint.
This the Book Jacket:

A psychopathic killer on a quest leaves behind a string of brutal murders, and to find the Who, the police must first discover the Why…

Detective Aubrey McKenzie has been assigned to investigate the murders. A lovely, fabulously wealthy, dark-haired Scot, whose iron will was forged in the inferno of human tragedy, Aubrey is stymied by the lack of solid clues. Now she must rely on her paranormal ability to apprehend the killer—an ability that has been invaluable in her police work but has made a disaster of her social life.

Fate teams Aubrey with Detective Joshua Diamond, a handsome, talented, and compassionate man who is more than happy eating a greasy bacon-cheeseburger and wearing clothes that should have been thrown out with the trash. In a race against time, Aubrey and Joshua must overcome their vast differences—and their attraction for each other—and discover the identity of this elusive killer, and the quest this fiend is on, before more lives are destroyed.

Do you write anything else other than mystery? Do you have any upcoming plans for your new book? If so, care to give a sneak peek?
As an offshoot of my professional career, I wrote a psychology/self-help on human nature and relationships. Taming Your Inner & Outer Bullies: Confronting Life’s Stressors And Winning. I write under my name – Steven B. Rosenstein, LCSW, MS. Uniting psychology, sociology, biology, and paleontology,  I created an accurate depiction of who we are as a species that anyone can understand and utilizing for a happier life. My second novel that I have not sought publication as yet is an historical horror novel, during the Kennedy presidency, with a unique supernatural creature. And my third novel that is near completion is a senior romance. There are many more stories in this head of mine.

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